Wyden, Merkley, Murray, Cantwell Ask BPA to Carefully Evaluate Timeline and Costs and Benefits of Joining Bigger Electricity Market

Senators: “Ultimately, it is imperative that BPA’s electricity market choice improves the reliability, the affordability, and reduces the greenhouse gas emissions of our energy system.” 

Washington DC - U.S. Senators Ron Wyden, Jeff Merkley, Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell said today they are asking the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) to answer questions about the financial impact to consumers in the Pacific Northwest from its upcoming decision whether to join the California Independent System Operator extended day-ahead market or the Southwest Power Pool Markets+ day-ahead market.

These markets provide opportunities for power suppliers like BPA to meet customers’ electricity needs at fair prices during peak energy demands by buying excess electricity from, or selling it to, neighboring market participants.

“We acknowledge the difficult decision of choosing an electricity market that best serves the needs of the Pacific Northwest, and we appreciate your response to our July 2024 carta detailing the many considerations you have in making this choice,” Wyden, Merkley, Murray and Cantwell wrote BPA Administrator John Hairston. “Ultimately, it is imperative that BPA’s electricity market choice improves the reliability, the affordability, and reduces the greenhouse gas emissions of our energy system.”

Among the questions the senators asked the BPA in their letter is to explain why the agency is pursuing an option that may raise costs to consumers in the Pacific Northwest.

toda la carta es aquí.
