Merkley, Wyden Announce $1.4 Million in Federal Funding to Help Homeless Veterans with Housing

Washington, D.C. – Oregon’s U.S. Senators Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden announced today that $1,449,067 is coming to Oregon to help homeless veterans secure affordable housing through federal housing assistance.

“Oregon’s servicemembers deserve the full measure of our appreciation for serving and sacrificing for our nation, and that includes ensuring they have a safe, decent roof overhead after returning home,” Merkley said. “These federal housing vouchers will help homeless veterans across Oregon, helping us deliver on the promise of necessary resources and support for those men and women who wore the uniform. Too many of these heroes struggle to find affordable housing in Oregon, and I’ll keep fighting to deliver critical resources to help ease the burden on veterans searching for a place to call home.”

“Veterans coming home to communities in Oregon deserve every possible opportunity to have a home of their own to live in that’s key to success in civilian life,” Wyden said. “I’m gratified these federal resources are heading to our state to help achieve those goals for homeless veterans, and I’ll continue battling for similar federal funds that ensure Oregonians who served our country aren’t left behind.”

Today’s federal investment from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) program will be distributed as follows:

  • Housing Authority of Washington County: $615,090
  • Housing Authority of Clackamas County: $321,675
  • Housing Authority of the City of Salem: $233,001
  • Northwest Oregon Housing Authority: $103,535
  • Marion County Housing Authority: $57,656
  • Housing and Urban Renewal Agency of Polk County: $39,660
  • Central Oregon Regional Housing Authority: $39,234
  • Housing Authority of Lincoln County: $39,216

The HUD-VASH program combines HUD’s Housing Choice Voucher rental assistance for homeless veterans with case management and clinical services provided by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). VA provides these services for participating veterans at VA medical centers community-based outreach clinics, through VA contractors, or through other VA-designated entities.

