Merkley harvests recognition from farmers

Recognized as being a champion for family farmers and ranchers, U. S. Sen. Jeff Merkley received a Golden Triangle Award from the National Farmers Union.

The award, which is the family farm organization’s highest legislative honor, was presented Sept. 12 during the Fall Legislative Fly-In in Washington, D.C. First presented in 1988, the Golden Triangle symbolizes the organization’s core principles of education, cooperation and legislation. It’s presented to senators and representatives who demonstrate leadership and support at the federal policymaking level for family farmers, ranchers and their rural communities.

Merkley said it’s been a tough year for farmers and ranchers, both in Oregon and across the nation. Drought and wildfires, the senator said, threatened land and livestock. In addition, Merkley said the president’s budget proposed huge cuts to critical agricultural programs.

“Working with true champions for rural America in both parties, we successfully fought for the resources that have helped our farmers and ranchers thwart these threats and build a foundation for a promising future,” he said. “I thank the National Farmers Union for all it does to support our family farmers and ranchers, and I thank my colleagues in congress who have fought alongside me.”

Founded in 1902 by 10 local farmers, the group works to protect and enhance the economic well-being and quality of life for family farmers, ranchers and rural communities. For more information, visit
