Jeff está comprometido con la protección de los derechos y libertades de todos los estadounidenses. Desde su creación, nuestra nación ha recorrido un largo camino hacia la igualdad y la justicia, pero aún queda mucho trabajo por hacer. Todos los estadounidenses merecen la oportunidad de vivir, trabajar y tener éxito sin sufrir discriminación.
Wyden, Merkley Call for Reinstatement of Inspectors General Illegally Fired by Trump
WASHINGTON, DC – U.S. Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley said today they are demanding the immediate reinstatement of Inspectors General (IGs) from at least 18 government agencies, in a letter to Donald Trump strongly condemning his recent decision to remove them from their crucial posts. The IGs who were
Merkley Applauds Investigation into TSA’s Unchecked Use of Facial Recognition Technology at Airports Nationwide
Washington, D.C. – Oregon’s U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley today released the following statement in response to U.S. Department of Homeland Security Inspector General Joseph Cuffari launching an investigation into the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) use of facial biometric data: “We only get one face, and everyone who values privacy, freedom,
Wyden y Merkley copatrocinan una resolución que condena los indultos a criminales condenados por agredir a agentes de policía del Capitolio
La resolución es una respuesta directa al indulto de Trump a más de 1.500 insurrectos del 6 de enero, incluidos los condenados por agresiones violentas a agentes de policía Washington, DC – Los senadores estadounidenses Ron Wyden y Jeff Merkley anunciaron hoy que se han unido a 47 de sus colegas del Senado para presentar una resolución que condena los indultos a individuos
Merkley: Laken Riley Act Fails to Keep Our Communities Safe, Fix Broken Immigration System
Washington, D.C. – Oregon’s U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley today issued the following statement on Senate passage of the Laken Riley Act: “Laken Riley should be with us today. Her murder is a tragedy, and the perpetrator should be held fully accountable. The Laken Riley Act, however, has some egregious provisions
Wyden, Merkley Join 39 Colleagues in Introducing D.C. Statehood Bill
Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley said today they have joined 39 colleagues in introducing the District of Columbia statehood bill for the 119th Congress in the Senate. “Year after year, nearly 700,000 people living in our nation’s capital are being taxed without receiving the same
Merkley Applauds Pentagon for Efforts to Restore Honors for Wrongfully Discharged LGBTQ+ Veterans, Continues Fight for Full Justice
Washington, D.C. – Following the Pentagon reaching a historic settlement with LGBTQ+ veterans, Oregon’s U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley vowed to continue his longtime efforts to restore dignity to veterans and servicemembers who were unjustly discharged from the U.S. Armed Forces because of their sexual orientation. It is estimated that more than 100,000 servicemembers were wrongfully discharged from the Armed Forces on the