Merkley aplaude el nombramiento de Janet Yellen como Secretaria del Tesoro

El senador estadounidense de Oregón, Jeff Merkley, que utilizó su puesto en el Comité Bancario del Senado para abogar con éxito por el nombramiento de Janet Yellen como la primera mujer presidenta de la Reserva Federal en 2014, emitió hoy una declaración tras el anuncio del presidente electo Joe Biden de que la nominará para ocupar ese cargo. como Secretario de Hacienda en su administración:

“Now more than ever—in the midst of a pandemic that has cost tens of millions their jobs—we need strong champions for working families and Main Street businesses in our Treasury Department to guide us toward a path of economic prosperity for all—people like Janet Yellen.

“Throughout her long career of public service, in which she has served as chair of both the Federal Reserve and the Council of Economic Advisors, Janet Yellen has proven herself to be a champion for broad-based economic growth that reaches everyone in our country. Not only will she bring a strong track record of fighting for America’s working families and crafting innovative and responsible economic policy to the position, her confirmation as the first female Treasury Secretary will also break yet another long-standing glass ceiling for women in leadership. I look forward to working with her and the Treasury Department as we set out to unrig our economy and realize President-elect Biden’s vision of building back better.”

