Oregon’s U.S. Senator Jeff Merkley and Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH) are leading nine of their Senate colleagues in pushing the Trump administration to immediately craft, release, and implement a plan that includes robust testing for the coronavirus and expanded contact tracing, according to a new release.
Contract tracing is a decades-old process used to limit the transmission of infectious diseases by identifying and contacting individuals who recently interacted with infected people, and monitoring those individuals to evaluate the spread of disease. Health experts have repeatedly identified COVID-19 contact tracing — along with the testing capacity to make it possible at large scale — as essential to creating safe plans to reopen society. Otherwise, any plan to ease off of social distancing restrictions risks creating second and third waves of the virus that could be just as deadly as the current crisis, or worse.
“Governors across the country have issued strict statewide social distancing policies, which appear to be playing an important role in slowing the spread of COVID-19 in some areas. These policies are critically important to public health, but also incredibly disruptive to our economy and way of life,” the senators wrote. “In order to begin to ease these stay-at-home measures for people without symptoms or recent exposure to a confirmed COVID-19 case, we must radically expand testing and our public health system must be prepared to dramatically scale up contact tracing efforts. In the current landscape of the pandemic, recommending the relaxation of social distancing policies without, at a minimum, a comprehensive testing and tracing plan — based in science — would risk further spreading the virus, jeopardizing the lives of millions of Americans.
“Currently, the nation lacks an extensive testing and tracing infrastructure. According to the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials, there are only 2,200 contact tracers across the United States as of April 10, 2020. A sweeping nationwide effort to implement contact tracing would necessitate hundreds of thousands of additional tracers,” the senators continued. “Before our nation can responsibly reopen, the federal government must swiftly support state and local health authorities to recruit, hire, and train a tracing workforce.”
Para ayudar a garantizar que se lleven a cabo niveles adecuados de rastreo de contactos, los senadores solicitaron que se proporcione la siguiente información antes del 30 de abril:
1. A detailed summary of resources needed to design and execute nationwide testing and contact tracing.
2. A comprehensive explanation of HHS’s strategy and efforts to support states and localities in recruiting, hiring, and training a sufficient number of qualified contact tracers across the country, including efforts to recruit tracers with diverse language capabilities, as well as strategies to accommodate seniors and Americans with disabilities.
3. A thorough outline of HHS’s plan to protect and secure the private data of Americans during all contact tracing efforts.
Además, los senadores enfatizaron que el gobierno debe tomar medidas para salvaguardar la privacidad de los estadounidenses y garantizar que los datos de ubicación no se utilicen de manera inapropiada por parte de las empresas de tecnología que ayudan en el uso de la tecnología Bluetooth para rastrear la exposición potencial de las personas al virus.
Merkley y Brown se unieron al envío de la carta por los senadores Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Edward J. Markey (D-MA), Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), Chris Murphy (D-CT), Chris Van Hollen (D -MD), Mazie Hirono (D-HI), Jack Reed (D-RI), Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) y Tammy Baldwin (D-WI).