Merkley toma la delantera en el proyecto de ley de construcción 'hecho en EE. UU.'

Sen. Jeff Merkley has proposed a measure that would require transportation contractors to use U.S. products whenever possible.

Merkley joined follow Democrat Tammy Baldwin Wednesday in introducing the Invest in American Jobs Act. The bill would require those working on federally funded transportation projects to use American steel, iron and manufactured products when possible.

The legislation would expand Buy America provisions to include all major U.S. Department of Transportation projects.

“When we make things in America, we grow the middle class in America,” Merkley said in a release.

“Ensuring that American taxpayer dollars go to support American businesses and workers wherever possible is just common sense. This legislation will create more jobs, strengthen American manufacturing, and ensure that more of our transportation projects are built using high-quality, made-in-America materials.”
The U.S. Transportation Department has an $84 billion annual budget.
