Merkley introducirá cambios en las reglas para exigir testigos en futuros juicios políticos

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley announced today that he will be introducing legislation next week that would require the Senate to consider evidence and hear from witnesses in future impeachment trials.

Merkley emitió la siguiente declaración:

“A trial without witnesses and documents is not a fair and full trial – it’s a cover-up. Whether information from relevant witnesses and documents should be considered in the course of a trial should never be a partisan question. That’s why, following the conclusion of this trial, I will be introducing legislation that would ensure the right of both sides to call relevant witnesses and introduce relevant evidence in any future impeachment trial. By voting down documents and witnesses, the Senate has failed to conduct a full and fair trial, and has set a dangerous precedent. This must never happen again.

“Impeachment is a key tool that goes to the heart of our constitutional system of checks and balances. The Senate must never fail its constitutional responsibility in this manner again.”
