Washington, D.C. – Oregon’s U.S. Senators Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden today announced they will be introducing legislation to expand the Smith River National Recreation Area by 58,000 acres, which would protect the diverse ecosystems of the rivers, streams, and adjacent lands of the North Fork Smith River watershed, and help boost the local fishing and recreation industries that many Oregon families rely on.
En 1990, el Congreso promulgó legislación para establecer el Área Recreativa Nacional (NRA) del Río Smith para proteger la cuenca, pero el límite de la NRA se detuvo en la frontera de Oregón, dejando desprotegidos el North Fork del Río Smith y sus afluentes.
“When we come together to protect our state’s natural wonders, we can create jobs, protect resources, and make sure Oregonians can enjoy the beauty of our state for generations to come,” merkley dijo. “Expanding the Smith River National Recreation Area is a commonsense win-win-win for our economy, adventurers across the Northwest, and those dedicated to preserving the ecosystems that make Oregon so special. I’m grateful to all of the local leaders, conservationists, and businesses who have been a part of this process so far, and look forward to continuing to work together to get this bill signed into law.”
“This legislation will create jobs and preserve one of the largest undammed rivers in the nation so that generations to come can experience Smith River’s scenic beauty,” dijo Wyden. “Expanding the Smith River Recreation Area into Oregon protects our state’s world-renowned natural treasures while also investing in our local economies.”
The Smith River is home to a rich assemblage of life forms—Coho and Chinook salmon, Coastal Cutthroat trout, the diverse Siskiyou Mountains forests, unique plants found nowhere else on earth, and spectacular redwoods that tower over the lower river banks. The Smith River NRA’s scenic beauty, world-class fisheries, and exceptional water quality attract adventurers who partake in water sports, fishing, hunting, camping, and sightseeing.
The NRA expansion would permanently withdraw the land from new mining claims, helping to protect this sensitive area from proposed nickel strip mines, and protect 74 miles of scenic rivers, including Baldface Creek, Chrome Creek, and nearby streams. In addition, the legislation would task the U.S. Forest Service with updating the recreation plan to reflect the new additions to the National Recreation Area, and produce a special study of streams, fens, wetlands, and potentially unstable and vulnerable aquatic habitat areas.
“The Smith River is one of the largest, single, undammed river systems in the United States and we applaud Senator Merkley’s leadership to protect Oregon’s portion. Expanding the Smith River National Recreation Area into Oregon to protect the North Fork and its tributaries will continue to support the region’s growing and sustainable outdoor recreation economy. We endorse the bill and look forward to its swift passage,” said Brady Robinson, Executive Director of The Conservation Alliance.
“Agradezco al Senador Merkley y apoyo sus esfuerzos y legislación para expandir el Área Recreativa Nacional del Río Smith en la bifurcación norte de la cuenca del Río Smith en Oregón”, dijo David Brock Smith, Representante de la Cámara de Oregon HD 01 (R-Port Orford). “The Smith River is an important watershed in Southern Oregon and Northern California, providing critical salmonid habitat, drinking water and recreational opportunities, and I will continue to be a strong state partner in supporting the Smith River, its tributaries and the watersheds of Southwest Oregon.’”
“‘I am happy to offer strong support for Senator Merkley’s work to expand our beautiful Smith River Watershed as part of our fabulous Wild Rivers Coast,” dijo Court Boice, comisionado del condado de Curry. “The Kalmiopsis Wilderness and Rogue River – Siskiyou National Forest are recognized as the most diverse, wild, unique, rugged and beautiful Landscapes in North America. This legislation will certainly help and is important for maintaining our pristine rivers and recovering the vibrancy of our salmon and steelhead runs.’“
“El Capítulo de Cazadores y Pescadores de Campo de Oregón continúa apoyando a los deportistas de Oregón para la protección de las tierras salvajes y las aguas del Estado”, dijo Justin Gindlesperger, director regional de SW del capítulo de Oregon de cazadores y pescadores de travesía. “La expansión del Área Recreativa Nacional del Río Smith establece una salvaguardia esencial para la cuenca del Río Smith para que las generaciones futuras puedan experimentar un paisaje notable y verdaderamente salvaje aquí en el sur de Oregón. Apreciamos y apoyamos plenamente el esfuerzo por proteger un recurso tan valioso”.
"He remado en North Fork of the Smith en Oregon, así como en Baldface Creek y puedo dar fe de sus valores distintivos", said Zach Collier, Owner/Outfitter of Northwest Rafting Company. “We fully support any legislation that promotes the permanent protection of these rivers. The North Fork watershed is uniquely special to the world and should be protected as such.”
“Expandir el Área Recreativa Nacional Smith River y proteger las tierras de North Fork en Oregón es absolutamente lo correcto”, said Susan Jane Brown, Wildlands Program Director and Staff Attorney with the Western Environmental Law Center. “I’m grateful for Senator Merkley’s leadership and for the cooperation by many interests to advance this critically important legislation for one of our nation’s most spectacular wild rivers.”
“La costa de Wild Rivers y ríos como el Smith son legendarios entre los pescadores por sus pesquerías de trucha arco iris y salmón”, dijo Dean Finnerty, Director Regional del Noroeste, Proyecto de Conservación del Pescador, Trout Unlimited. “This region supports a robust sport fishing economy that is vitally important for many rural communities. Sen. Merkley’s bi-partisan Smith River Recreation Area Additions Act is a sensible and timely way to honor the sporting heritage of this region and to conserve the cold, clean, fish-filled waters that are the hallmark of this part of America.”
“El río Smith merece una protección completa porque las fronteras estatales son arbitrarias para un río”, said Will Volpert, Indigo Creek Outfitters. “Oregón tiene suerte de tener una parte del Smith, ya que es verdaderamente uno de los sistemas fluviales más majestuosos y hermosos que existen. Es un lugar como ningún otro, con colores de cañón más que vibrantes y un terreno que pide ser explorado pero que es lo suficientemente accidentado como para detener a la mayoría de los aventureros. Cada vez que visito Smith, siento como si fuera la primera persona en visitar el cañón del río en toda la historia, y ese es un sentimiento muy especial”.
"La cuenca del North Fork Smith de Oregón es un tesoro botánico y siempre debería haber sido parte del Área Recreativa Nacional del Río Smith", said Joseph Vaile, Climate Director of the Klamath-Siskiyou Wildlands Center. “We thank Senator Merkley for introducing this legislation that will also designate many of the North Fork Smith River’s cold-water tributaries as Wild & Scenic. Anyone who has had a chance to explore the remote, primitive backcountry of Oregon’s North Fork Smith headwaters knows that it is one of the most spectacular rivers in the world.”
"Los tramos superiores de la cuenca del río Smith brindan oportunidades excepcionales y únicas para la recreación en el campo", dicho Thomas O’Keefe, the Pacific Northwest Stewardship Director for American Whitewater. “Agradecemos el liderazgo del Senador Merkley para expandir el Área Recreativa Nacional Smith River para incluir las cabeceras de Oregón. El área se caracteriza por recursos hidrológicos y botánicos escasos que la legislación reconoce apropiadamente. La extensión de la designación Wild and Scenic a los afluentes de North Fork Smith protegerá aún más uno de los últimos ríos de flujo libre de la costa oeste y un lugar especial para todos los que disfrutan de los ríos salvajes”.
“The North Fork Smith River and its tributaries are a cornerstone of the most ecologically important unprotected landscape in the American West,” dicho David Moryc, Senior Director of Wild and Scenic Rivers for American Rivers. “We greatly appreciate Senator Merkley’s leadership to protect some of the wildest rivers and most pristine waters in the state for future generations.”
“Expanding the Smith River National Recreation Area to include the North Fork of the Smith is completely aligned with the stewardship and conservation values embraced by West Coast fishermen,” said Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations Executive Director, Mike Conroy. “The Smith is one of our last great undammed rivers, making it a crown jewel of the salmon coast. We appreciate Senator Merkley’s leadership in securing this important protection for the Smith River.”
"Hemos estado trabajando para proteger las cabeceras salvajes del río North Fork Smith, manteniendo su agua prístina, protegiendo los hábitats de las especies de peces y asegurando agua potable limpia y recreación al aire libre para las comunidades locales". dijo Alyssa Babin, fundadora de Wild and Scenic Rivers en Brookings, Oregón. “Agradecemos al Senador Merkley por su liderazgo en la presentación de este proyecto de ley y su colaboración en el trabajo para proteger esta importante cuenca”.
“La expansión del Área Recreativa Nacional del Río Smith completa un esfuerzo de conservación iniciado hace más de treinta años”, dijo Grant Werschkull, codirector ejecutivo de Smith River Alliance. “Esta acción es de vital importancia para las comunidades río abajo y el río Smith como un bastión para las especies de salmón del Pacífico”.
"El río Smith es reconocido como uno de los principales baluartes del salmón en la costa oeste", dijo Guido Rahr, presidente y director ejecutivo del Wild Salmon Center. “We’re grateful to Senators Merkley and Wyden for this investment in wild salmon and the coastal communities that depend on them. Protecting the Smith’s cold, clean flows across the entire watershed will secure this place for people and fish for generations to come.”
"La legislación pionera del senador Merkley tiene el potencial de conservar la porción de Oregón de la incomparable cuenca del río Smith en el suroeste de Oregón para esta y futuras generaciones". said Andy Kerr with The Larch Company. “Esperamos que el Congreso considere y apruebe rápidamente el proyecto de ley”.
Merkley and Wyden were joined in the introduction by U.S. Senators Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Alex Padilla (D-CA).
El texto completo de la legislación está disponible. aquí.