Washington DC – Oregon’s U.S. Sens. Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley today announced that the Crater Lake – Klamath Regional Airport will receive nearly $4.3 million in federal grants to improve taxiways, storm drains, guidance systems and more.
“Airports serving rural communities are critical in order to keep local economies running,” dijo Wyden. “This multi-million dollar federal investment in the Crater Lake – Klamath Regional Airport provides essential help for people and small businesses in southern Oregon working hard to make ends meet during this pandemic and economic crisis.”
“Safe and efficient airports play a critical role in laying a strong foundation for the well-being of our communities and their economies,” dijo Merkley. “I’m pleased that this funding is making its way to the Crater Lake-Klamath Regional Airport for critical infrastructure upgrades, helping the facility continue to serve the Oregonians and businesses who rely on it well into the future.”
John T. Barsalou, Airport Director, Crater Lake – Klamath Regional Airport: “This is great news for the Crater Lake – Klamath Regional Airport! The infrastructure project by this grant is an immediate need and will advance safety, generate jobs and provide other economic benefits for our local community. Taxiways B1 and D are used extensively by the U.S. Forest Service and the Oregon Air National Guard respectively on a daily basis and are nearing the end of their useful life. All airport users utilize Taxiway D as the main runway access route to and from the Fixed Based Operator – Century Aviation, Precision Aviation, Rocky Mountain Construction Aviation, and all west side general aviation hangars. It is my understanding that the CARES Act provides 100% funding for this project – so no local match is required. I’d like to thank Senator Wyden and our congressional delegation for their continued support of this project, the City of Klamath Falls and the Crater Lake – Klamath Regional Airport.”
Of the nearly $4,300,000 federal investment in the Crater Lake – Klamath Falls Regional Airport, $3,877,509 was discretionary funding directed from the U.S. Department of Transportation Airport Improvement Grant Program, $150,000 was entitled funding from the same program and an additional $268,500 was directed from CARES Act funding.