Merkley: Federal Help on the Way For Victims of Winter Storms

WASHINGTON, DC – Yesterday, the White House announced that President Barack Obama declared a major disaster for the State of Oregon to help communities recover from the severe winter storm and record snowfall, landslides, and mudslides that occurred in December of 2008.  This designation will release federal funding to help with the repair and rebuilding effort.


“The historic snowfall and ensuing landslides and mudslides caused millions of dollars of damage to communities in the Portland area and Willamette Valley.  Given Oregon’s current high unemployment rate and continuing economic problems, this federal help is critical in getting those communities back on track,” said Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley.


The announcement allows federal agencies to begin to provide reconstruction assistance for Clackamas, Clatsop, Columbia, Marion, Multnomah, Polk, and Yamhill Counties and hazard mitigation assistance for all Oregon counties.  The disaster designation was formally requested by Oregon Governor Ted Kulongoski earlier this month.

