U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Oregon, announced he is accepting
applications to the U.S. Senate Page Program for summer 2023. Oregon students
completing their sophomore or junior year of high school during the 2022-23
school year are eligible to apply.
The selection process is highly competitive with only 30
positions available among 100 senators. The program provides students with
firsthand experience of Senate operations. Performing a critical role in the
daily work of the U.S. Senate, they help deliver correspondence, legislative
material, amendments and bills around the congressional complex and during
congressional proceedings.??
“To the young leaders of Oregon who wish to get informed and
get involved in the political process, I encourage you to consider the Senate
Page Program,” Merkley said.?“Being a Senate page is a unique opportunity to
come to our nation’s capital and see the inner workings of Congress firsthand,
and a great opportunity to take part in creating the change you wish to see in
the world.”?
Senate pages are appointed and sponsored by a senator. They
work for the U.S. Senate and spend much of their time on the Senate floor.
Pages receive a stipend, live in a dormitory near the U.S. Capitol and attend
classes in addition to performing page duties.?
Applications must be submitted by Jan. 15, 2023. For
information, visit www.merkley.senate.gov/services/students/page-program.
For questions, call Merkley’s office at 202-224-3753.