Oregon receives $450,000 from feds for quake research

WASHINGTON (KTVZ) — Sens. Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden, D-Ore., announced Wednesday over $450,000 in earthquake research grant funding for Oregon.

The grants will be administered by the U.S. Geological Survey, and will be allotted to Oregon State University, Portland State University and the University of Oregon. The schools will receive $84,964, $87,243 and $282,262, respectively.

“The best way to handle a crisis—from a pandemic to a national disaster—is to be prepared,” Merkley said. “As Oregonians continue to prepare for the inevitable Big One, these grants will contribute to the research we need to help keep Oregonians safe in the event of a major earthquake.”

“Forecasts for the potential of a serious earthquake in our state make research into monitoring and preparing for that possibility a must to protect Oregonians as well as their homes and businesses,” Wyden said. “I’m gratified that this funding will help OSU, PSU and the U of O continue to play a key role in this essential research.”

As the only member of Congress from the state of Oregon to serve on an Appropriations Committee, Senator Merkley has long advocated for the resources Oregon needs to research and prepare for earthquakes—including increased funding for ShakeAlert, the West Coast earthquake early warning system.

“The recent funding from the USGS to the University of Oregon continues our decades-long involvement in seismic monitoring of earthquake and volcanic activity in the Pacific Northwest,” said Douglas Toomey, Professor of Earth Sciences at University of Oregon. “The continued operation of the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network by the University of Washington and the University of Oregon provides data that is fundamental to much of the seismological research conducted in the region and the results of that research benefit public safety.”
