WASHINGTON, D.C. – Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley released the following statement after meeting with President Obama’s nominee to the Supreme Court, Chief Judge Merrick Garland:
“I was honored to meet with Merrick Garland today. We had a wide-ranging conversation about many of the issues facing our nation, and how he would think about these issues if they were to come before the Supreme Court.
“It is clear to me from my conversation with Chief Judge Garland that he is a detail-oriented and highly-qualified jurist. He would bring decades of legal experience and a great deal of thoughtfulness to his work as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court.
“President Obama has done his job in putting forward an extremely qualified nominee. Now it is time for Senate Republicans to do theirs and to hold hearings and a vote on his nomination, as the Constitution requires.”
A photo of Senator Merkley meeting with Merrick Garland is available here.
Video footage of Senator Merkley meeting with Garland is available here, and video footage of Senator Merkley’s remarks at the press availability following the meeting is available here.