Merkley: START Treaty to Make America Safer by Reducing Global Supply of Nuclear Weapons
Washington, D.C. – President Obama signed a new Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty (START) with Russia Thursday to reduce nuclear weapons. Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley issued the following statement about the new treaty: “President Obama has demonstrated his global leadership by successfully negotiating a START Treaty that will make America safer
Senators Introduce Repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell
WASHINGTON, D.C. – A coalition of United States Senators today introduced legislation to repeal “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” and enhance our country’s military effectiveness. The Military Readiness Enhancement Act of 2010 contains three main provisions: it will repeal the law that prevents gay Americans from openly serving in the military,
Merkley returns from Afghanistan with more questions than answers
WASHINGTON — Oregon Sen. Jeff Merkley conceded Thursday that the challenges in Afghanistan are “immense” and if the United States is to succeed it must embark on a full-scale, long term nation building effort. At the same time, however, Merkley said such an expensive and long-term commitment may not be
Merkley: Federal Funds Boost National Guard and Create Jobs
Dallas – Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley toured the Polk County Armory in Dallas today to learn how the more than $12 million in federal appropriations for the Oregon National Guard that he helped secure will help create a new Oregon National Guard Polk County Readiness Center. “These funds give Oregon
Merkley Statement on Tragedy in Haiti
Grants Pass, Oregon – Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley issued the following statement on last night’s earthquake in Haiti: “Like all Americans, I was shocked to see the images of devastation in Haiti following last night’s cataclysmic disaster. Haiti has suffered so much as a nation and now must confront untold