Press Releases

Merkley, Wyden Raise the Alarm Over Oregon Community Health Centers’ Delays in Accessing Federal Funding

Washington, D.C. – Oregon’s U.S. Senators Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden joined an effort led by Virginia Senators Tim Kaine and Mark Warner to press the Trump Administration about reports that community health centers are experiencing significant delays in accessing funding. There are 34 Federally Qualified Health Centers in Oregon, including two Look-Alikes, operating more than 270

Merkley Statement on Obama’s Plan to Withdraw Troops From Iraq

Washington, DC – Today, President Barack Obama outlined a plan to begin a phased withdraw of troops from Iraq, winding down active military engagement in that nation.  Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley issued the following statement:   “Our national interests are not served by the war in Iraq.  I applaud President

Merkley: Oregon Unemployment Continues to Climb, Recovery Act to Spur Job Growth

Washington, DC – Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley released a statement following the Oregon Employment Department’s announcement that the state’s unemployment rate climbed to almost 10 percent in January: “While the entire nation is feeling the effects of the current economic crisis, Oregon industries have been hit especially hard,” said Senator

Merkley: Obama Budget Lays Out Path For Future Growth

Washington, DC – Today, the Obama Administration put forward its budget blueprint for fiscal year 2010.  Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley lauded the document as a good first step in setting national priorities over the coming year, particularly noting the inclusion of a robust cap-and-trade system to address global climate change.

Merkley Reaction to President Obama’s Address Before Joint Session of Congress

Washington, DC – Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley released the following statement reacting to President Barack Obama’s address before the Joint Session of Congress this evening:  “Over the past few weeks, the Senate has worked with the Obama Administration to address the vicious vortex of economic challenges facing working Americans: the

Merkley Record Unemployment Numbers Show Importance of Investments in Job Creation

Washington, DC – Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley released a statement following the Labor Department’s announcement that almost 5 million workers were receiving unemployment checks, a record high:  “The new unemployment numbers released today are a reminder of the already obvious economic challenge facing the nation.  Five million Americans are collecting

Merkley Working Towards Solutions to Keep People In Their Homes

Portland, OR – Oregon’s Senator Jeff Merkley brought together national housing experts, financial professionals, and community members today in Portland to discuss solutions to the escalating mortgage crisis facing millions of American families.    Merkley and other participants at the Mortgage and Foreclosure Solutions Summit discussed ideas including allowing homeowners
