Press Releases

Merkley, Wyden Support Legislation to Lower Health Care Costs for Millions by Permanently Extending Affordable Care Act Premium Tax Credits

Washington, D.C. – Oregon’s U.S. Senators Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden announced today they joined House and Senate Democrats in an effort to keep tax credits that lower health care premium costs by reintroducing the Health Care Affordability Act. The bicameral legislation makes permanent the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) enhanced premium tax credits (PTCs)

Wyden, Merkley, Murray, Cantwell Ask BPA to Carefully Evaluate Timeline and Costs and Benefits of Joining Bigger Electricity Market

Senators: “Ultimately, it is imperative that BPA’s electricity market choice improves the reliability, the affordability, and reduces the greenhouse gas emissions of our energy system.”  Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senators Ron Wyden, Jeff Merkley, Patty Murray and Maria Cantwell said today they are asking the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) to

Wyden, Merkley: Molalla Earns $35 Million for Improved Wastewater Treatment

Washington D.C.—U.S. Senators Ron Wyden and Jeff Merkley today announced that the city of Molalla has secured a $33.25 million loan and a $2 million grant to update its wastewater treatment facility. “Federal investment in modern infrastructure is a must for Oregonians counting on public health and for communities statewide needing to
