Category: Videos

Merkley Speaks on Senate Floor in Support of Blocking the Sale of Offensive Weapons to Israel

Senator Merkley spoke on the floor of the U.S. Senate on Wednesday, November 20, 2024, in support of three Joint Resolutions of Disapproval to block the sale of offensive weapons to the Netanyahu government. Senator Merkley’s statement on the Joint Resolutions of Disapproval:

The End Hedge Fund Control of American Homes Act

I wrote a bill to kick hedge funds out of our housing market, and I’m fighting to get it passed. Houses in our communities should be homes for people, not a profit center for Wall Street. Read more about the End Hedge Fund Control of American Homes Act:

End Corporate Greed!

Sinister: billionaire corporations are buying up health care facilities—clinics, nursing homes, hospitals, and more—and using sick people to turn healthy profits. I’m fighting to put an end to this clear corporate greed!

Stop Corrupt Gratuities Act

Let’s call “after action” gifts what they really are: bribes. They shouldn’t be legal—that’s why we need to pass my Stop Corrupt Gratuities Act! More about my Stop Corrupt Gratuities Act:

Senator Merkley Calls for Replacement for Salmon-Killing Chemical 6PPD

During a Senate Environment and Public Works Committee hearing on the environmental impact of 6PPD, a chemical used in tires, Senator Merkley pushed for a replacement that will protect critical fish species and ecosystems. Salmon, trout, and other fish species are unlikely to recover unless we find an alternative, and

Senator Merkley Slams Billionaires Dodging Taxes in Budget Hearing

Senator Merkley questioned Social Security Administration Commissioner Martin O’Malley on how to shore up critical Social Security benefits for millions of Americans and stop billionaires from dodging taxes by using tax-free IRA accounts during a Senate Budget Committee hearing on September 11, 2024. Watch the full hearing:

Senator Merkley Slams Billionaires Dodging Taxes in Budget Hearing

Senator Merkley has been working for more than a year to rein in the Transportation Security Administration (TSA)’s rapid, unchecked expansion of facial recognition technology in airports across the country. He shares that his photo was taken without his knowledge or consent at Washington National Airport as he was trying

The Summer Meals and Learning Act

The Summer Meals and Learning Act will help keep kids in Oregon and across the country fed and well-read during the summer months. I’m working to get it passed! More about the Summer Meals and Learning Act:
